new again
God is doing something
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you
- Ezekiel 36:26a
Soul + Strategy
New Again is the ministry of Pastor Charley Scandlyn to support the mission, health and sustainability of community churches.
New Again is a ministry of the American Baptist Church-Central Pacific Coast.
Encouraging pastors & leaders
Supporting a church goes hand in hand with supporting its leader. We understand the internal and external demands pastors face and support their spiritual wellbeing.
The Soul of the Leader: Investing in pastors and leaders is the most important step in our work with our churches. Creating authentic relationships and community with this leadership community and providing soul/spiritual experiences supports a sustainable and inspiring calling. We help provide resources such as retreats, spiritual direction and relational support.
A Discipleship Culture: Christ created the church to be a community where the priesthood of all believers participates in the ministry of the church. This begins with a community of disciples and a culture of discipleship; establishing a shared DNA, creating a vision and plan for spiritual formation and a commitment to spiritual growth in the way of Jesus provides the foundation for a church’s Christ-centered purpose.
Supporting community churches
Small church operations are similar in scope to large church operations, covering the same tasks with fewer people. New Again offers help in strategic planning and in building sustainable systems.
Strategic planning: God has placed pastors and leaders in a very special place of stewardship of their church. Their Christ-inspired vision calls for them to say yes to what is most important and no to things that can distract or discourage a spiritual community. Strategic planning is a prayerfully considered way to guide churches in the way they believe Christ has led them to serve their own community. Strategic ministry plans create a path to align a church’s resources with its goals and priorities.
Sustainable Systems: Within every church is years of patterns, processes and decision making that may no longer be useful. Identifying pain points and then implementing easy-to-use systems to build and connect a church and streamline its ministry operations can help small church teams increase their efficiency and effectiveness.
Doing it together
Spiritual friendship is the heart of Jesus’ ministry and message. Relationships are one of the most important ways we grow in our faith. We invite you to be part of a New Again spiritual community of people growing in Christ and supporting this mission together. Sign up here to stay informed about New Again activities and opportunities.